MORE is being done to water down the furore engulfing livestock welfare, with MLA stepping behind trials to alleviate pain during dehorning.
An experimental anaesthetic spray is being trialled on North Queensland properties including McDonald Holdings, which consists of 11 stations.
The company is reportedly working with the University of NSW and the RSPCA to test the Tri-Solfen spray, which clots the dehorn cut.
Dehorning remains a widespread practice but welfare and research organisations are working towards dismantling existing genetic pools and ‘breeding in’ polled animals.
In the meantime, MLA said there needed to be a shorter term solution.
“The breeding of polled or hornless animals will no doubt be the long-term solution, but in the short to medium term, it is essential that the industry works to identify practical and cost-effective options to prevent or alleviate the pain associated with dehorning,” a spokesperson told the North Queensland Register.
“The anaesthetic spray being trialled on North Queensland properties is an exciting option and we look forward to seeing the results from the trial.” READ MORE